Global Investments Jobs

Aflac Global Investments

Aflac Global Investments, located in the heart of the financial district, is the organization responsible for the overall investment activities of Aflac, Inc. With more than 100 employees in the U.S. (New York) and Japan (Tokyo), Aflac’s Global Investments organization seeks to maximize risk-adjusted returns subject to our liability profile and capital requirements, and generates in excess of $3 billion a year in net investment income.


Aflac Global Investments

Aflac Global Investments, located in the heart of the financial district, is the organization responsible for the overall investment activities of Aflac, Inc. With more than 100 employees in the U.S. (New York) and Japan (Tokyo), Aflac’s Global Investments organization seeks to maximize risk-adjusted returns subject to our liability profile and capital requirements, and generates in excess of $3 billion a year in net investment income. Eric Kirsch, global chief investment officer, was named to the Power 100 List of CIOs by Chief Investment Officer magazine in 2019 for the fifth consecutive year; one of just two U.S. Insurance CIOs to make the list. Eric was named to the Top 30 CIOs list by Trusted Insight in 2019 for a fourth consecutive year.

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Title Location Division Date Sort descending
AVP, Quantitative Risk Analyst
AVP, Quantitative Risk Analyst New York City, NY, US, 10005 Oct 4, 2024
New York City, NY, US, 10005 Global Investment Oct 4, 2024
Technical Consultant
Technical Consultant New York City, NY, US, 10005 Sep 27, 2024
New York City, NY, US, 10005 Global Investment Sep 27, 2024